FAQs: Application & Proposal
The property -tax map parcel 47-2((01))0058 - consists of approximately 33 acres located southeast of the intersection of Chain Bridge Road and Jermantown Road. The property is currently developed with a 440,000-sf office building located on an expansive campus and has served for decades as AT&Ts regional office campus.
The application proposes an appropriately-scaled, neighborhood destination with multifamily residential, townhomes, office and retail. A new grid of streets will be created, revitalizing this expansive property into a community of walkable blocks and appropriately-scaled buildings. The street grid will also include connections to Chain Bridge Road, Jermantown Road, White Granite Road and Flagpole Lane, resulting in improved vehicular, pedestrian, and bicycle connectivity throughout the broader community.
The site is owned by a private real estate fund managed by Carlyle, a global investment firm headquartered in Washington D.C. This fund acquired the site in 2022 and partnered with master developer EYA of Bethesda to file a comprehensive plan amendment and rezoning application under the name CB Oakton Associates, LLC.
AT&T is a tenant of the property, operating a regional headquarters on the site since 1981. AT&T’s lease expires at the end of 2025.
Approvals include both a Comprehensive Plan Amendment and a Rezoning.
The Comprehensive Plan Amendment was authorized for consideration in April 2023 by the Board of Supervisor under record number PA-2023-00009. This plan amendment proposes an increase in floor-area ratio (FAR) to 1.0 for mixed-use development. The current comprehensive plan allows of 0.4 FAR.
The Rezoning and a conceptual design plan (CDP) are in the submission process under record number RZ-2023-PR-00020. The Rezoning proposes a change in recommended land use to a Planned Residential Mixed Use (PRM) zoning district. The property is currently zoned to I-3, Light Intensity Industrial District.
Applications can be accessed through the County’s PLUS system here and typing in the application number (PA-2023-00009 or RZ-2023-PR-00020) in the green search bar in the top right of the page. This approval process has included, and will continue to include, various opportunities for community input, in-person and online meetings, direct conversations with the development team, and a public hearing process.
Floor-area ratio (FAR) is used to describe how much building development is on a property. FAR is a comparison of the amount of floor space to the total space on the site.
At 1.0 FAR, the floor area would be equal to the site area, but it could be achieved in various ways by developing horizontally or vertically. For example, 100% of the lot could be covered with a 1-story building, or 25% of the lot could be covered with a four-story building.
A visual representation can be found on page 9 of a Fairfax County Presentation here.
The plan amendment application proposes approximately 375 townhomes and 625 multifamily residential units. The current unit count is a reduction from early development proposals for up to 1,500 units to the current proposal of 1,000 units. The current proposed unit count is as low as the development team is able to go while still providing an economically viable development including major investments in improved infrastructure, affordable housing, neighborhood-serving retail, placemaking and ample parks/amenities for the surrounding communities.
The plan amendment application proposes 80,000 sf of office space and 120,000 sf of retail.