FAQs: Open Space

  • Yes; proposed parks - including the dog park, linear parks, retail plaza and the Borge Street park expansion - will be publicly accessible. Where necessary, parks will follow typical dawn-to-dusk policies county-wide.

  • Open space includes a preserved tree area along Chain Bridge road that will include nature play areas and a dog run, all park spaces, a retail promenade, buffers along the perimeter of the site, and several mews (shared green spaces).

    The current plan proposes 15.9 acres of open space - nearly half of the property’s 33 acres at 48.1% open space. This exceeds the County’s open space requirement of 6.6 acres.

  • The current plan proposes 5.02 acres of park area, including linear parks, a central retail plaza, a community park adjacent the existing Borge Street Park and nature parks along the southern perimeter of the site.

    This exceeds the County’s requirement for 3.16 acres of park space.