FAQs: Transportation

  • A multi-modal transportation analysis for the comprehensive plan amendment application is underway, and includes the study of vehicular, transit, cyclist and pedestrian activity, and safety/incident reporting at various intersections and roads in the area. The analysis will review existing conditions, the current comprehensive plan baseline, the future alternative land uses, and with any appropriate improvements/mitigations associated with future alternative land uses. Specific intersections of study can be found below (we have since added an additional site entrance to the study, reflecting the evolving plan).

    1. Jermantown Road and Rosehaven Street

    2. Rosehaven Street and Rose Forest Drive

    3. Chain Bridge Road and Rose Forest Drive/White Granite Drive

    4. Chain Bridge Road and 3033 Chain Bridge Road Entrance

    5. Chain Bridge Road and Jermantown Road

    6. Jermantown Road and 3033 Chain Bridge Road Entrance

    7. Jermantown Road and Borge Street

    8. Borge Street and Flagpole Lane/Bushman Drive

    9. Flagpole Lane and White Granite Drive

    10. White Granite Drive and 10449 White Granite Drive Entrance

    11. Chain Bridge Road and Blake Lane

    12. Chain Bridge Road and Miller Road

    13. Chain Bridge Road and Hunter Mill Road

    14. Jermantown Road and Blake Lane/Trevor House Drive

    15. Blake Lane and Bushman Drive

    16. Jermantown Road and Site Entrance #1 (Future)

    17. Jermantown Road and Site Entrance #2 (Future)

    18. Flagpole Lane and Site Entrance #3 (Future)

    19. Flagpole Lane and Site Entrance #4 (Future)

    20. White Granite Drive and Site Entrance #5 (Future)


    An additional transportation analysis will be reviewed in conjunction with the Rezoning.

  • The transportation analysis will be reviewed and approved by the County’s Department of Transportation (FCDOT) and the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT). The study methodology was reviewed and approved by Fairfax County Department of Transportation (FCDOT) and VDOT. A summary of the results will be shared with the public and discussed at future community meetings .

  • Yes. Approved and planned nearby developments and other external factors , such as planned road reconstruction, safety audits, widenings, and connections are considered in the transportation analysis.

  • The proposed plan will include interior sidewalks, crosswalks, and curb ramps, all of which will be compliant with The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements. Additionally, proposed and existing signalized intersections will also include crosswalk and ADA-compliant curb ramp improvements.

    Additional pedestrian improvements, such as determination of visibility enhancements and traffic calming measures at proposed crosswalks, will be analyzed and studied at the plan amendment level with further and more detailed analysis during the rezoning process.