October 2022

In October of 2022, EYA and counsel submitted a SSPA nomination for 3033 Chain Bridge road under CPN22-PR-004. Submission materials can be accessed using “SSSPA Submission” button. The submission includes an executive summary, preliminary site diagram and program opportunities, and both letters of consent and support for the planned development from buildings owners in the park

December 2022

SSPA Submission Deadline

Board of Supervisors Action Item to Accept Nominations. You may also access a list of all SSPA Nominations for the 2023 Work Program.

January - February 2023

County Sponsored Meeting

On January 25th, a county-sponored community was held to introduce several nominations in the Oakton, Vienna, and Merrifeld areas. The recording of the virtual meeting and one-page staff summary can be accessed here.

At this time, we have met with nearly a dozen HOA’s and communites around the potential site. If you or members of your community would like to schedule a meeting with the development team, please see the “Contact” page.

Meeting Updates

March 2023

County Sponsored Meeting

The Planning Commission is scheduled to review the SSPA nominations during public workshops in March 2023 to determine which should be selected and prioritized for formal study on the Comprehensive Plan Amendment Work Program. The workshops will be held in the auditorium of the Fairfax County Government Center (12000 Government Center Parkway, Fairfax VA 22035), and the public may participate in-person, by phone, or by submitting pre-recorded video comments. Please see “March Workshop” for additional details.

The meeting for 3033 Chain Bridge Road is scheduled for:

Thursday, March 9, 2023 at 7:30 p.m.
